Privacy Policy

MKS Tutors is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of any and all personal data that it gathers in the course of doing business, We collect only the essential information needed to perform the functions required by MKS Tutors. MKS Tutors has taken steps to ensure the information is stored in safe, secure locations with access only granted to those employees who require the information in order to perform their employment responsibilities.

This Policy explains when and why we collect personal data about you. We may change this Policy from time to time, but we will not treat your personal data in a fashion inconsistent with the Policy at the time your information is collected without notifying you.

MKS Tutors collects information for the purpose of providing tutoring services to the interested party, which will specifically meet his/her academic criteria. MKS Tutors will not disclose any information about individual users. Any information provided by a client or prospective client to MKS Tutors is strictly confidential. MKS Tutors will not sell any information obtained or provided by a client to a third party for marketing or other purposes